Monday, July 2, 2018

The Last Alliance Battle Company

I finished painting my starting The Last Alliance battle company, just have to add the static grass to the bases. For now, I'm just using basic plastic troops. I may try some conversions later, depending on how things go.To start with, here are the High Elves:

Cumeren, High Elf Warrior with Elven Bow

Naethlang (Sergeant) High Elf Warrior with Elven Blade

Durandir (Lieutenant) High Elf Warrior with Elven Blade 

And the trio. Paint scheme is fairly standard for my High Elves, Burnished Gold on the armor, Chainmail on the, well, chainmail. Elf Flesh on the skin, Bestial Brown on the leather of the gloves and boots. Ice Blue on the sashes, with Space Wolves Grey highlights. The cloaks are Regal Blue with Mordian Blue highlights, and the skirts (for lack of a better term) are Mordian Blue with Enchanted Blue highlights. The blade hafts and arrow shafts are Scorched Brown, and the arrow fletchings are Space Wolves Grey. The bases are Stirland Mud with Snakebite Leather highlights. What is a little different from my previous High Elves, is applying a Nuln Oil wash to the model.

On to the Numenoreans:

Alaglang, Warrior of Numenor with Shield

Limthol, Warrior of Numenor with Shield

Isilmacar (Sergeant), Warrior of Numenor with Shield

Again, a fairly standard paint scheme. Elf Flesh on the skin, Scorched Brown on the boots, gloves and belts. Chaos Black on the tabbards, with Codex Grey trim. Mithril Silver belt buckles and clasps for the cloaks. Chainmail on the chainmail and sword blades., Boltgun Metal on the helmets, leg and arm armor, with Burnished Gold trim on the helmets. Chainmail on the shield rims, crown and white tree emblems, with Burnished Gold on the seven stones. Bleached Bone on the undershirts. The cloaks are Charadon Granite, with Adeptus Battle Grey highlights. Again, the model received a Nuln Oil wash.

And here is the team. Clearly destined for great things ;) Hope you enjoy.

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