Friday, July 20, 2018

Battle Companies: Hold Ground - The Last Alliance vs Mirkwood Denizens

The first of three battles we held on Sunday. It was a good day for battles, but a poor day for my battle company ;)

Scenario: Hold Ground

The armies of Gil-Galad and Elendil have only recently arrived at Imladris to begin their preparations for war with Sauron. Desiring to gain knowledge of the enemies movements and own preparations, the Heralds of the West are dispatched into the wild under the command of their Lieutenant, Durandir. Somewhere south of Imladris in the now deserted land of Eregion, the heralds take position atop a small hill as the baying of wolf voices fill the air. In truth, a rival company from the darkest depths of the Greenwood Forest has been tracking them for several days and now moves in for their first confrontation.

The Heralds of the West are assigned the role of the defenders, and deploy on the hill. They spread out, with Cumeren occupying the top with the best field of fire.

The Denizens deploy in a rough semicircle to the east, the spiders chittering and the wargs howling in anticipation.

Here is the overall board following deployment.

Turn 1 - Good

Taking priority, the elves and men re-arrange themselves slightly on the hill to face the beasts.

Without delay, the beasts charge. Wargs 1 & 2 engage Isilmacar on the closest slope, and spider 2 skitters through the gap to attack Cumeren on the summit. Warg 3 attacks Alaglang at the southern end of the hill, and spider 1 makes an end run around behind to attack Naethlang from the rear.

In the fight phase, warg 3 defeats Alaglang but the man dodges just in time. Isilmacar loses to the pair of wargs facing him, and is forced to expend a Fate point to avoid a wound. At the center of the hill, Cumeren defeats spider 2, and the arachnid is forced to expend his own Fate point to avoid a Wound. At the southern edge of the hill, Naethlang is not so lucky, and falls to spider 1.

Turn 2 - Evil

The turn begins with the Evil company taking priority. With the numbers now evened and wasting no time, they throw themselves at the men and elves with renewed ferocity. The spiders charge Durandir and Cumeren, but the two elves manage to avoid their sticky web shots.

Alaglang drives back the warg that had attacked him, but is unable to draw a wound. Isilmacar loses his duel with a warg, but the creatures teeth are unable to pierce his armor. Limthol, also, is defeated but manages to avoid harm. Durandir fights off spider 2, but his blade glances off the creatures exoskeleton. Cumeren's luck runs out, and spider 1 chitters in satisfaction.

Turn 3 - Evil

The denizens of Mirkwood retain priority this turn, and continue to press their attack. Spider 1 charges Limthol, and to the mans horror, he falls entagled in a web. Isilmacar and Alaglang are again assailed by wargs, while Durandir is sorely pressed by spider 2 and a warg.

Spider 1 takes full advantage of the situation, and Limthol falls still. Alaglang is defeated, but unharmed, and Isilmacar defeats his opponent but fails to wound him. Durandir spends his Might point to defeat spider 2 and the warg, but is unable to follow it up with a wound. At the conclusion of the turn, the Godd company is now Broken.

Turn 4 - Good

Priority returns to the Heralds this turn, though there fortunes appear bleak. Spider 2 declares a Heroic Move, but fails his attempt to web Durandir. Spider 1 and a warg charge Isilmacar and a single warg engages Alaglang.

Alaglang manages to slay his opponent, but Isilmacar falls to spider 1 and warg. Durandir drives his attackers back, but inflicts no wounds.

Turn 5 - Evil

Priority flips back to evil this turn, and sadly both Durandir and Alaglang succumb to spider webs and are brought down.

Clear victory for the Denizens of Mirkwood, and now for the after battle checks.

Injuries -
All the slain participants receive Full Recovery rolls, with the exception of Isilmacar, who must sit out the next game.

XP -
Durandir - 1                                  Spider 1 - 4
Isilmacar - 1                                 Spider 2 - 3
Naethlang - 1                                Warg 1 - 5
Cumeren - 2                                  Warg 2 - 2
Alaglang - 2                                  Warg 3 - 1
Limthol - 1

Influence -
Good - 2
Evil - 4

Advancement -
Warg 1 rolls, no effect

Evil purchases a reinforcement, rolls a Fell Warg

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