Here is the overall layout of the board, with the incapacitated dwarf in the center. First from west to east, and then from south to north.
Turn 1 - Evil
The Fists are the first to act. Gracbaush and Ogzit both arrive from the west, Bofin and Filur arriving just seconds later and only a few yards north.
Drugac and Auzath shoulder their way out of the wilderness from the south casting baleful glances around the landscape.
On the east edge of the battlefield, Guldursh grips his bow in eager anticipation with Duri just north.
Bolgash and Auzbog complete the evil deployment in the north.
Still struggling to make their way to the area, Uthrag and Shuglogh are yet to arrive. On the good side, Kilur and Bifin have also failed to show up this turn.
Turn 2 - Good
Priority shifts this turn, and Duri hurries to engage Guldursh before the latter has a chance to retreat or loose an arrow. Attempting to make up for lost time, Uthrag arrives just to the south.
To the west, Bofin and Filur rush toward Squalin as fast as their stumpy legs can carry them. Gracbaush and Ogzit easily catch up to the dwarves, while behind them Shuglogh and Bifin make their appearance.
Completing the movement phase, Kilur arrives from the south, only to see Drugac and Auzath rushing off to the north. Bolgash and Auzbog make thier way to the center from the north. Here is the overall status after movement.
Duri loses his duel with Guldursh, but takes some comfort in the fact the he is unharmed, and pushed back in the direction he wishes to go.
In the west, Gracbaush strikes down Filur with a ferocious blow from his pick. Bofin defeats Ogzit, but the orc manages to skip backward just in time to avoid injury.
Turn 3 - Evil
Evil regains Priority this turn. Guldursh and Uthrag joining forces against Duri.
In the west, Gracbaush and Ogzit engage Bofin, while Drugac charges Bifin.
Drugac and Auzath continue their trek north, with Kilur lagging behind. Bolgash and Auzbog similarly continue south. Here is the board following movement.
In the turns combat phase, Duri is again defeated and falls back westward, his armor protecting him. The dwarves do better in the west, with Bofin expending a point of Might to defeat Gracbaush and Ogzit, with Gracbaush being forced to spend a Fate point to avoid injury. Bifin, too, spends a Might point, but he successfully strikes down Shuglogh.
Turn 4 - Evil
Here is the the battlefield at the beginning of the turn.
The Fists keep Priority this turn, with Gracbaush and Ogzit again attacking Bofin.
Drugac, Auzath, Bolgash, and Auzbog close in on the incapacitated Squalin.
Guldursh and Uthrag re-engage Duri, hoping to end his rescue mission pre-maturely.
Bifin rushes to engage Gracbaush, taking some of the pressure off of Bofin.
Duri manages to defeat Guldursh and Uthrag, though his axe stroke goes wide.
Bifin's attempt to relieve Bofin, while well meaning, is ill-timed as the dwarf goes down from a nasty pick strike. Bofin does use the opportunity to defeat Ogzit, though any damage he causes is only superficial.
Turn 5 - Good
Good gets priority back this turn and the dwarves struggle forward toward their fallen leader, knowing they cannot completely outpace the orcs.
Kilur attempts to close the distance on Drugac and Auzath.
Guldursh and Uthrag continue their game of tag with Duri.
Uthrag, Drugac and Bolgash surround Squalin, while Auzath turns around and readies his bow.
Gracbaush and Ogzit catch back up to Bofin, weapons at the ready.
Unsurprisingly, Auzath completely misses his shot at Kilur, and the Fight phase commences. Duri loses his duel, but avoids harm and gains an inch in the direction he was going anyway.
Bofin also loses his fight, but is forced to spend his Fate point to avoid a wound at the point of Gracbaush's pick.
Turn 6 - Good
The dwarves keep Priority this turn, and generally continue to slog their way to the center of the board. Duri keeps moving west, passing between a ruin and some rocky outcrops.
Kilur charges into combat with Auzath, gripping his axe tightly in his hands.
Bofin actually turns, and and engages his tormentors.
Uthrag and Guldursh charge Duri, wondering whether if perhaps they should just lose to stop pushing the dwarf west...
Duri does lose his fight, and is pushed west and again the orcs are unable to more then add dents to his armor. Kilur defeats Auzath, but the orc manages to duck just in time. In the west, Gracbaush is clubbed repeatedly by blows from Bofin's bow and the orc falls.
Turn 7 - Good
Here is an overhead view of the battle at the beginning of the turn.
Good maintains Priority this turn. Kilur moves north-west, edging closer to Bofin. He trusts that his armor will be enough to protect him from any orcish arrows (assuming they even hit him).
Bofin, having now evened the odds, focuses his attention on Ogzit.
Duri, hoping to repeat Bofin's success, throws himself back at his pursuers.
Kilur's trust is well founded, as Auzath comes much closer to shooting his own foot, than he does the dwarf.
Bofin throws back Ogzit, and the chagrined orc is forced to spend a Fate point to avoid suffering a Wound.
Duri does have success, fighting off both Guldursh and Uthrag, though he fails to land a wounding blow.
Turn 8 - Evil
Here is the battlefield at the start of the turn.
Evil takes back Priority this turn and the orcs are shaken by the loss of their own leader. Ogzit charges Bofin, and Auzbog stops kicking Squalin to go help his fellow sergeant.
Auzath holds his position and reaches for another black feathered arrow.
Uthrag and Guldursh rush in to try and keep Duri pinned down.
Auzath is not to get another chance at shooting this turn, as Kilur turns east and charges him.
Duri turns the tables on Guldursh, and the orc falls heavily to the dirt.
Surprising not only Kilur but himself, Auzath defeats the dwarf but in his glee forgets to actually land a strike.
Ogzit is the next to feel the blows of a dwarven bow, and slumps to the ground with Auzbog gritting his teeth in frustration only paces away.
Turn 9 - Good
Priority flips back to the dwarves this turn, and here is the board prior to the Movement phase.
Kilur is the first to reach Squalin, dashing past Auzath to attack Drugac.
Bofin attacks Auzbog, but uses his remaining movement to circle around the orc.

Duri attacks Uthrag, emboldened at the evening of the odds.
Auzath rushes up to attack Kilur from behind while Bolgash lends spear support.
Uthrag and Guldursh's blood mingle on Duri's axe as he is cut down by the triumphant dwarf.
Kilur's charge ends under the blow of Drugac's two-handed pick, the orcs exulting in the his fall.
To the west, Auzbog is driven back.
With the close of the turn, both companies, Light and Dark are now Broken!
Turn 10 - Good
Here is the state of the board at the beginning of the turn.
Good keeps Priority this turn, and Bofin and Duri easily pass their Courage tests. Bofin charges Bolgash, and Duri advances toward Auzath.
Perhaps feeling the tide turning and with two thirds of the officers down, Drugac runs for safety. Auzbog moves in to assist Bolgash, and Auzath turns to face Duri.
Unsurprisingly, Auzath's arrow fails to find a target. Bofin throws off both orcs, but his bow glances off Bolgash's armor.
Turn 11 - Good
Keeping Priority, the two dwarves pass their courage tests and move in to protect Squalin. All three orcs pass their courage tests as well, and re-engage.
Combat is inconclusive this turn, with both dwarves losing their duels, but the orcs failing to cause any wounds.
Turn 12 - Good
Here is a close-up of the remaining combatants.
With Priority again on their side, the dwarves elect to stay near Squalin and not engage, counting on the orcs cowardly nature to aid them. Reasoning that someone in authority really should survive, Auzbog quits the field. Bolgash and Auzath maintain their composure, and charge Bofin and Duri respectively.
Bofin runs up his tally, and he contemptuously slams his bow into the side of Bolgash's face, the orc dropping without a sound. Auzoth actually defeats Duri, but cannot cause an injury.
With the end of the turn a 1 is rolled, leaving exactly twice as many dwarves near Squalin as orcs and resulting in a Victory for the Good company.
For the dwarves, Filur receives an "injured" result and will sit out the next match. Bifin is blessed with a Wounds of a Hero, a new title of "the Scarred" and an additional two Influence points. Kilur and the recovered Squalin both make Full Recoveries.
For the orcs, Gracbaush receives a scratch, but decides to forgo a re-roll, meaning he too, will miss the next match. The blow from Bofin's bow apparently left more than just a bruise, and Ogzit receives an Old Battle Wound. Auzbog, Shuglogh, Bolgash and Guldursh each make a Full Recovery. Drugac and Auzbog slink back to rejoin their fellows, explaining that they had in fact gone to get the herbs needed to facilitate the Full Recoveries.
With one member of each company now having enough experience, Gracbaush and Bofin roll on their respective tables. Gracbaush's eyes take on an unearthly glow, and he acquires the Fell Sight ability. Bofin, having weathered the storm to secure Squalin's rescue, is now Fearless.
Spending three Influence points, Murog, an Orc Warrior with an orc bow joins the Fist of the Eye. For the dwarves, Ziri, a Dwarf Warrior with an axe and shield join their ranks, and Kilur and Filur discard their two handed axes and take up axe and shield instead.
After Battle Thoughts:
Definitely a reversal of fortunes from the last battle, but honestly I don't mind. The early part seemed like it might be a repeat of the first game, where the orcs soundly thrashed the dwarves, but as the game went on the fortunes started to even out, and then start to shift in the dwarves favor. Especially once the companies were broken, my orcs just don't like to stick around. A fun game, looking forward to more :)